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The ‘Iolani ‘Ohana is the official parent organization of ‘Iolani School and all parents/guardians are welcome as members. We seek to build a vibrant, supportive, and connected school community through social activities and programs.

Being a part of the ‘Iolani ‘Ohana is a wonderful opportunity to get actively involved in our community. It’s also a great way to develop lasting relationships with the families in your child’s grade, while providing an important service to the school.


New Parents Welcome Reception: All parents of new incoming students to ‘Iolani School are invited to a welcome reception on campus that takes place at start of each school year.

College Life After ‘Iolani: A unique event that provides an opportunity for ‘Iolani seniors and their parents to receive first-hand information about the transition to college life from recent ‘Iolani graduates and former and/or current parents.


President: June Yago
Immediate Past President: Carla Stroh-Palalay
Treasurer: Lynn Haring
Secretaries: Ethel Chun, Jennifer Omoto


Special Events: Carla Stroh-Palalay, Wendy Suetusgu
Open Houses: Judy Nako
College Life After ‘Iolani: Erica Kaneshiro


Dr. Timothy Cottrell, Head of School
Mrs. Melanie Pfingsten, Associate Head of School and Dean of Upper School Faculty
Mr. Erik Yamamoto, Associate Dean of Upper School
The Reverend Andrew Arakawa, Interim Dean and Chaplain of Lower School
Mrs. Natalie Hansen, Interim Dean of Lower School
Mrs. Robyn Ide, Interim Associate Dean of Lower School
Mrs. Kim Gennaula,
Executive Director of Advancement
Ms. Wendy Kaneda, Advancement Director and 
‘Iolani ‘Ohana Liaison
Mrs. Toby Morioka, 'Iolani ‘Ohana Liaison

(808) 943-2345



The ‘Iolani ‘Ohana class representatives oversee the planning of parent and family events and coordination of parent involvement in social activities and programs. They assist with mission of the ‘Iolani ‘Ohana and serve as liaisons between the administration and parent community regarding school initiatives and projects. 


Please consider sharing your time and talents by volunteering with the ‘Iolani ‘Ohana. To learn more about becoming a member of ‘Ohana or other parent volunteer opportunities, please contact the ‘Ohana Liaison at